Gloomhaven is a glorious game, but at first it can be really confusing. I had a hard time figuring out how to set up the first game and start the campaign. The manual does a poor job of holding your hand in these first few steps, which can lead to some hilarious and game-breaking mistakes.
So, to help you avoid the same mistakes I made, this is guide just for you. The aim is to make the setup and start of your Gloomhaven adventure as clear as possible. The guide will make you able to set up the game board and all components before the other players arrive, so when they get to the table the action can get going.
Things in this article show
If you are trying to get Gloomhaven on the table for the first time with a new group, I strongly suggest one of you take charge and lead the experience for the other players. Having one person at the table who know what is supposed to happen will make everything immensely easier.
If you are reading this, I guess you are that person. Congratulations on your sacrifice for the team!
So what do you need to do to prepare for your first game of Gloomhaven?
Just follow the steps below and you will get your first Gloomhaven campaign going in no time.
The rulebook is a thick beast, but it is actually explained very well. Each person learns differently, and if you are a seasoned gamer you know the best method for you to learn the mechanics of a game. If you want to watch some videos going over the core rules, you have a ton of options. If you are more the reading type, just start going through the rulebook.
I am personally a fan of watching a short video and then reading the rulebook cover to cover. I find that my retention of obscure and random rules are quite high just from one read through and a small explainer video.
The rulebook for Gloomhaven is quite good in how it is laid out. You get a lot of pictures and the rules (mostly) come in a logical order.
After reading the rulebook, I was actually slightly confused on how to start the campaign. Yeah, I knew how a game was supposed to go, how a campaign worked and so on. But how does the town look in the beginning? How much gold does a starting character have? What characters can we pick?
The rulebook tells you everything about the campaign, except it does not tell you how to start a campaign!
Well the answer to that question was on the first page of the “Scenario Book” (no title on the actual book).
The first page of the Scenario Book details the following steps:
If you have done this, you have the city ready. You can purchase items from the available item cards and the two decks for events are ready to go.
You also have the one scenario available to choose from, nr. 1, because of the sticker on the map. You can only ever complete a mission once, but you can try it as many times as you like if you fail. Most missions will unlock more missions, making the map a sprawling host of options to pick from.
Your others players have arrived at the table and it is time to make some characters. I asked my fellow players beforehand what character they would like. We decided to pick purely by the name of the fighter and the logo, so with very little knowledge. I sorted the characters out before the two other players go to the table, so all they only had to do the bare minimum when they arrived.
We ended up picking the Brute, the Scoundrel and the Mistweaver.
You can select between the following characters at the beginning of the game:
Once a player has selected their character they must do the following (you can prepare this step if players select fighters before they get to the table):
Check the image below to see how it should look (the Brute used as an example). The items placed on the box is not needed for the first game.
Note: you are technically allowed to exchange your ability cards (the big cards) with “1” on them with the cards with an “x” on them from the beginning. I would suggest not to try this at first. Before you have played a game and tried out a few abilities, you have no clue what is good and bad anyway, so no reason to use time on this.
The Standard Ability Modifier deck (the deck of small cards) should have the following 20 cards in it (page 5 of the rulebook):
It is time to make a few decisions, so leave this part up to the players when they get to the table.
If you like some immersion and story, getting up to speed on who your companions are can be great. It will also clue you in on the lore of Gloomhaven, which will only be explained by quests and lore text like this.
So quick recap here:
Gloomhaven is a complex game and taking some of that complexity and delegating it to an app can be a very wise choice. You will be busy enough flipping through your ability cards to even consider figuring out how the enemy attacks, what card they need and so on. So unless you have a very experienced player at the table, my suggestion is that you use some free apps to help you out.
We use the following free apps and it helped us immensely in the first few games. In fact, I doubt we are ever going to do it manually now that we have seen the glory of doing it digital.
For combat: if you play it manually, you have to figure out how much health and what ability deck each enemy types draws from. We use the free app “Gloomhaven Dungeon Master“. It has the following benefits:
So yeah, if you can handle having a device as one of your Gloomhaven components, definitely give Gloomhaven Dungeon Master a try!
For handling the scenario:
The scenario book and the scenarios are quite simple to handle, but again there are several benefits for getting help from the interwebs.
We decided to use “Gloomhaven Scenario Viewer” because it does the following:
So if you want to help yourself out a bit, I suggest using this as well.
If you decide to not use digital tools, you will need the ability deck for the relevant enemies and the ability modifier deck for the enemies. You also not to decipher how many enemies are on the map based on how many players you are.
Now comes to time to punch out some of those tokens. Depending on your demeanour and board game experience this can either be a nerve-wracking experience or something you really enjoy.
Gloomhaven has a crap ton of tokens and storing them in the box can be a mess (more on organising your Gloomhaven tokens later). For my first playthrough I wanted to punch out the minimum amount of tokens and leave everything else in the box.
If you go with a digital combat helper, this is the tokens you need for the first game of the campign:
If you are going to run combat manually you will also need:
A big part of the difficulty in Gloomhaven comes from a lack of information. This lack of information is built into the game, but you have some leeway in deciding how to handle it in your group.
How much information do you want to know about the scenario?
In the basic setup of the game, you actually know where all monsters, chests and so on are from the get-go. You can also read ahead to know what is going to happen when you do different things. We have decided to hide quite a lot of this information, to make everything more interesting and a bit more difficult.
How much tactical discussion and information are you willing to share mid-combat?
If you know exactly what other players are planning and their initiative, it is much easier to plan your own cards. The games want you to keep things vague and I really think this is the right choice. If you try to share too much about what you are going to do it, you can end up in endless tactical debates.
Keep it light and fast-moving (at least for the first few games). Chances are that things do not go as you all plan anyway, so keeping the information you share vague keeps you flexible and on your toes.
So yeah, you are ready to play the first game of your Gloonhaven campaign!
Here are some additional tips for your game:
1. Figure out a way to make sure the setup of the game does not kill you!
Some sort of organiser can really help you out and we only played 2 games before we decided we needed to make setup and playing easier. We looked hard at buying the amazing Broken Token Organizer but decided against it because of the cost. We instead went with the Folded Space Gloomhaven (FS-GLO) insert to save some moneyt. It turned out cheap but maybe not the best solution overall. It is okay for storage, but getting the game ready to be played is still a bit of a chore.
Recently we made a guide for buying Gloomhaven Inserts, so check that out if you are in the market for something to help speed up the game.
2. Sleeving your cards is a really good idea
You will quickly notice how much you shuffle cards around. We sleeved all of the cards we constantly have in the deck. You bought the following:
This was more than enough to cover the things we handle and shuffle each game. The sleeves have the added benefit of clearly marking what cards are part of the game current game and what is not. So sleeved ability cards, modifier cards, event cards and so on are part of the current setup and everything else is not in the game right now.
3. Decide whether you are a bad party or a good party
The game gives you + reputation for helping out people and – reputation if you are some naughty boys and girls. You will quickly realise that having a neutral reputation does not really do anything, and quite a lot of event cards will become meaningless (because they require a certain threshold of either positive or negative reputation).
This is why it is best sticking to either getting a high reputation or getting a low reputation. If you flip flop between helping people out and stabbing them in the back, you will hover around 0 reputations and you might regret this in the long run.
4. Paint the miniatures that form your part
While the miniatures in Gloomhaven are not the best sculpts in the world, they are pretty cool looking. Painting a few miniatures is actually kind of easy. I have an article on the ins and out of painting minis as a beginner here and a host of different painting-hobby articles here.
We are dedicated to bringing you information and articles that cover everything you need on a topic. If you think this was helpful, you can help us out by your Gloomhaven inserts or the Gloomhaven game from one of the links in the article.
If you are still in doubt about getting Gloomhaven, the video review below is what pushed me over the edge (and I am so happy I did!)
Posted on Last updated: June 13, 2022