How do I view a collective agreement?

Collective agreement concluded at the level of a professional branch.

Collective agreement, collective agreement, branch, company or establishment agreement applicable in labor law. They lay down the obligations and rights of the employer and the employee.

computer network, set up within a company or any other equivalent entity. It allows employees in this company to exchange information and documents in a secure environment, within a space that is restricted to a defined group.

An employee may consult or obtain a collective agreement in the following ways:

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On the Internet (free)

Order paper version (fee required)

On the spot

At the workplace

The method of informing employees (and employees' representatives) about the applicable treaty law in the company is defined by industry agreement or professional agreement .

In the absence of other clauses in an agreement or agreement, the employer must:

the employer must communicate to the employees by any means (including posting) a notice containing the reference to the collective agreement on which the establishment depends. This notice must specify the conditions for consultation of the agreement at the workplace.

At the Labor Inspectorate

To the Departmental Directorate for Employment, Labor and Solidarity ( DDETS : titleContent or DDETSPP : titleContent ) on which the company depends.

Who shall I contact

the name of the collective agreement applicable in the company must appear on the pay slip given to the employee.